(617) 436-5592
This section of our site has been designed to assist you in making funeral arrangements whether it is for a family member who has recently passed away or to fulfill your own wishes to prepare in advance. Please browse the following pages depending on your current needs:
Here you will find information that will assist you at the time of someone's passing. This section explains the family's responsibilities when someone passes and will also guide you through the basic planning process and various options to customize and create a meaningful experience. If you have retained our services, you will be given a family password that will provide access to assist with arrangement needs, questions or concerns
~Leaving A Legacy~
Here we discuss how in time of intense grief, even the simple decisions may seem almost too hard to bear. If you are thinking of planning ahead, for yourself or a family member, this section will guide you through the pre-need arrangement. You will find that this section will be a difficult reality to consider, but the burden will be much lighter on your family; emotionally, mentally, physically and financially (if you choose).
Here we will have gathered a culmination of data that will assist and educate you and your family on some of the emotional and psychological aspects of grief. Grief is unpredictable and largely uncontrollable, showing us a side of ourselves we didn't know was there. It can be terrifying and unnerving.
From funeral planning, arrangements throughout the final days, and afterward care, we want to make sure you are completely satisfied with your funeral arrangements.
Opt for Precaution
MONDAY, MARCH 16, 2020
Here are several options that we, at the Floyd A. Williams Funeral Home, have currently employed to make it safer for you and your family to mourn and grieve at a time when communities worldwide are being encouraged NOT to engage in unnecessary close contact.
Livestream Funerals So People Can Attend Remotely
One option available to our families right now is streaming live video of the funeral online. This is a flexible solution that allows you to have minimal people at the funeral service in person, if possible, while other people participate from home.
This service has been around since well before anyone ever heard of COVID-19, but it will surely be increasingly useful now for anyone who can’t get to a funeral because they are quarantined, are uncomfortable with traveling long distance, or any other reason, such as our current situation mandated by local health .
Live chat can be included for anyone who may not have a webcam at home but still wants to be actively involved in the funeral service. Multimedia offerings can be provided to remote attendees, including the funeral program, written eulogy, and family photos and videos.
Opt for Outdoor Locations
As the season is changing, we can have more graveside events, so you’re not confined in a building, but you’re outside, where it’s a little bit less contact.
You can take this idea beyond the graveside, as well. If you want to hold a memorial service with no body present, the sky’s the limit for where you can have that service. A public park, outdoor worship area at your church, or beach could be the perfect location for a memorial service offering a less confined experience.
The larger the outdoor area you choose, the easier it is for attendees to avoid close contact. Some experts are recommending that you stay at least six feet apart from others to ensure you’re not affected by a cough or sneeze, we will be abiding by this guideline. Larger outdoor gathering areas will make this easier to achieve.
Postpone Services Until Later
For some of our families, the right decision will be to plan a memorial service for a later date. You can do this whether you plan to have the body cremated or buried. If you’re planning on burial, you might choose to have a small graveside service at the time of burial, with just your closest family members in attendance. Then you can plan a larger public memorial service for later, when it’s safer to gather publicly.
For a cremation, you can have a private gathering with immediate family members within the governors guidelines but at the crematorium or funeral home, or you can skip that step and simply plan for a later memorial service. You might like to have the remains displayed in an urn at the service.
- When should you plan the service for?
At this point, it’s hard to say. Scientists say it’s too early to know whether the spread of coronavirus will subside like flu in the warmer months of the year. You might consider tentatively planning memorial services for a summer date, while remaining flexible regarding rescheduling if we get near that date and public gatherings still don’t seem like a good idea. Or you might just let family and friends know that there will be a memorial service at a date to be determined, then play it by ear as the situation develops.
Keep Contact To A Minimum
To help keep the spread of the virus to a minimum, we encourage funeral attendees to express their love and sympathy without any physical touching.
Thus we are asking families to add to their Program or Service Announcements, that it is their wish that all designated attendees “refrain from hugging, kissing and shaking hands during the ceremonies. A simple smile and nod of expressed sympathy will be all that is required.”
It’s a great way to set expectations for the funeral so no one needs to feel awkward if they prefer to avoid a kiss or handshake.
Don’t Skip The Funeral Entirely
Whichever approach seems best for your family, experts on grief and mourning say that it’s important for the surviving loved ones to hold some sort of grieving ritual, rather than avoiding a funeral completely. A memorial of some sort is crucial to helping survivors transition into the next chapter of their life without their loved one. Funeral Services have been known to be the first step in the grieving process.
The gathering is really the important part about the funeral ceremony, because you feel the support of your community around you. Whether it’s large or small, families need to feel supported by their communities. That support can come through crystal clear via a remote connection, since in-person gatherings are prohibited. And if postponing the memorial service is your choice, the support will be waiting for you when it’s time to gather. But we ask that those that would like to support, take the time to think out of the box and find ways to communicate your love and support.
People go to funerals clearly in pain, and as they go through the process of congregating with loved ones, and share stories and religion as appropriate, they come out the other end transformed. They move from crying to laughing about good times and being given permission to celebrate those good times.
Whatever solution feels right for your family, know that we are here & want to help you make it happen. There are ways to give reverence and still make these times meaningful. We will not allow a virus to take your RITES away.
Blessings to All
Under Normal Circumstance
A funeral service is a time of reverance and tribute to the loved one to whom has passed away ,but also for the loved ones left to cherish his/her memories. We, at the Floyd A. Williams Funeral Home, make it a point to insure that the day of service is a healing & memorable experience; conducted with professionalism and dignity. Our services are vast & diverse, well-rounded, uplifting and tends to uphold to our standards & purpose of accommodating your needs and wishes.
You may ask:
What is the true reason for conducting funerals?
This question, we tend to keep at the forefront of our minds to bring reverence to the gift of Life. Our initial meeting will give us the ability to personalize this concept while celebrating a life lived and the memories you shared. We have witnessed how creating a meaningful ceremony can assist us with the emotional, physical, and spiritual transformation necessary to begin the grieving process. it is the first step in the grieving process and it should not be taken lightly. One's passing often temporarily disconnects us from ourselves and the world around us. As we search for some sense of balance, we must make internal adaptations to the new reality that someone who has been physically present is now gone. Participating in a meaningful funeral ceremony helps us begin to recenter ourselves.
Today's families are more atuned to the arrangement process. They want value for their money as they rightfully should, but along with that guarantee, one should not be afraid to ask for a full explanation of your charges. We find that many come for our assistance not necessarily knowing what they want, but they do know what they don't want. As your Funeral Director, we will consciously work to create a package of healing memories and a peaceful experience. We are a firm that is service (consumer and experience) driven not product driven.