(617) 436-5592
After a while you learn the subtle difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul
and you learn love doesn't mean leaning and company doesn't always mean security.
And you begin to learn that kisses aren't contracts and presents aren't always promises
and you begin to accept your defeats with your head up
and your eyes ahead with the grace of a woman, not the grief of a child.
And you learn to build all your roads on today because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain
for plans and futures have a way of falling down in mid-flight.
After a while you learn that even sunshine burns if you get too much
So you plant your own garden and decorate your own soul
instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers
And you learn that you really can endure, that you really are strong and
you really do have worth and you learn and you learn
with every good-bye you learn.
Author: Veronica Shoffstall

We believe that creating a meaningful ceremony when death occurs can greatly assist our families with their emotional, psychological, and spiritual journey from grief to healing.
This honorable tribute is the first step in the grieving process and we know it should not be taken lightly.
The passing of a loved one often causes a temporary disconnect
from the world around us as we search for answers and a sense of meaning
Pressed to make internal adaptations to this new reality, known as Grieving.
The Floyd A. Williams Funeral Home's mission is to ensure that the services create a memorable experience; conducted with professionalism, dignity, and honor.
As Funeral Directors, we have had to embrace the reality in which we will face our own mortality and, additionally, deal with the loss of our loved ones - the love, respect & reverence held for their lives and our relationships, transcends to our service within our stand of care and service.
This has become a Ministry of Paying it Forward - we look at your choice to entrust your loved one to our care as a mutually beneficial relationship that is deeper than just a business relationship.
Over the 45 years of servicing our families, we have found that there is a great appreciation for our manner of care and the ability to trust and lean on our professionals in your time of need. What most of you don't realize is that we build our inner strength, purpose, and faith knowing that your families, in their individual time:
Bearing the storm, Picking up their batons,
Continuing to move in their purpose and Resting on their Tomorrows.
Therefore let's start our relationship off by allowing us to say thank you in advance for revealing that when the time comes, we can get through the darkness.
We are committed to assisting families in seeing the light shine
through the leaves of this shady tree.
Our Ministry is focused on guiding the weak at heart, strengthening the family bonds,
empowering the generations to STIR & accept the batons and stabilizing your LEGACY.
Our Genuine, Caring Nature, Compassion and Professional Guidance Continues to Shine!

The Floyd A. Williams Funeral Home has always seen the need to empower, encourage and expand the minds of the community's it serves. Through investing in their Legacy Ministry, their mission is to address the full spectrum of Life.
This ministry has given rise to initiatives beyond funeral service whether it be the DOU-Love initiative, which focuses on the health and social service disparities that exist at the End-of-Life; or the recognition and commitment to close the Racial Grief Gap that plagues our communities and has given rise to organizations like PAUSE ~A Movement for a Moment that focuses on GRIEF and "Old Wounds".
Therefore we are committed to facilitating a "Leaving a Legacy Series" which has been developed to provide a truly comprehensive and personal look at Legacy Planning, with the partnership and expertise of PAUSE's Legacy Motivators.
Call for more details (617) 436-5592.
Feel free to inquire about how you could host this workshop for your family, friends, groups and organizations.
Under A Test Of Time
Let us first start by giving our deepest condolences to all those who have lost loved ones to this new Coronavirus Strains.
We Stand ALL.
Our firm has been operating 24 hours a day, seven days a week making certain that those entrusted to our care for the last 50 years.
The pandemic did not interrupted our ability to serve our families with the amount of attention, care and professionalism.
We are currently REQUIRE: MASKS at all Times
When it comes to scheduling a repass after services, we are not currently advising families to host even a private gatherings, since the mandates include Private Residences as well.
According to the order, both the indoor and outdoor gathering limits apply to private homes and backyard.
Our sympathies go out to anyone who has the additional burden of grief and loss during this time, and we are here to guide each family with their particular needs on an individual basis.
We encourage bereaved families to work with our funeral directors to create meaningful services
that falls within the governor's emergency orders
~Please See Our Opt for Precaution Under Our Services~
By now, you are aware that another way to limit the spread of the virus is to refrain from going out in public if you have symptoms of COVID-19 or are feeling unwell, we will need your cooperation to use good judgement, as we continue to lay your loved ones to rest. If you are experiencing a cough, fever, or shortness of breath, we kindly ask that you refrain from attending the arrangement conference or services, to prevent spreading illness, but to also protect those at high-risk.
You can feel free to call and reach out to us, Our Directors will be willing to share your sympathies with the family and feel free to inquire about other options to let the bereaved know that you support and care for them. We live and work in your communities and we take the impact of this pandemic seriously.
Please know that above all, we are committed to the families we serve. We remain focused on maintaining high standards and ethical practices, as we serve your loved ones and the bereaved with the health and well-being of our communities in mind, as we move forward together in the coming weeks and months.
~ Together We Will Over Come ~
“Confronting our feelings and giving them
appropriate expression always takes strength, not weakness.
It takes strength to acknowledge our anger, and sometimes more strength
yet to curb the aggressive urges anger may bring and to channel them into nonviolent outlets.
It takes strength to face our sadness and to grieve
and to let our grief and our anger flow in tears when they need to.
It takes strength to talk about our feelings and to reach out for help
and comfort when we need it.”
― Fred Rogers A.K.A The world according to Mister Rogers